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The Energy Psychology Certification Program


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“The Genie in Your Genes is one of the most useful books I have come across in a long time for anyone in the therapeutic professions. The importance of the mind-body connection in diagnosis and healing has been gaining increasing traction through the work of such ground-breaking pioneers as Candace Pert, David Feinstein and Bruce Lipton. What Dawson Church has done is to weave the work of the many scientists and researchers in this area over the last century into an impressively comprehensive overview, and in a narrative so lucid that anyone should be able to understand it. In fact reading this book was one "Aha" moment after another for me, as I read things I had heard, and even lectured on many times before, but somehow they were placed in a context that made fresh and compelling sense.

“The implications of this work are profound, not only for understanding the mechanisms at play in disease and wellness, but also for understanding the power of perceptions and beliefs in creating the social and political realities we must deal with every day. I would make this book required reading for just about every discipline, and certainly all therapeutic modalities.”

—Miriam Knight
New Consciousness Review